And, as Tom Goreau says, 350 ppm was the answer to the question (paraphrasing) "What is the safe limit to keep the temperature increase to 2.0 degree C or less ***by the end of the century?***" That last clause usually is left off. The answer was related to a rate, not an absolute temperature limit. The temperature was/is going to keep rising once the end of the century is reached -- for hundreds if not thousands of years. This 24 minute talk by Tom at our first Bio4Climate conference in 2014 is eye-opening: Thomas Goreau: The Down-to-Earth Solution to Global Warming- How Soil Carbon Sequestration Works - YouTube - ; slides here:
It was always ludicrous. Who came up with this “target?” And then everyone bought into it, no matter the growing evidence that it was way off, e.g. the 3-fold increase in the polar regions, permafrost melt, increasing natural methane releases, all at 1.1 degrees. Why are we not able to readjust our assumptions in the face of an increasingly stark reality?
(Hi Herman, very long time no see.)
And, as Tom Goreau says, 350 ppm was the answer to the question (paraphrasing) "What is the safe limit to keep the temperature increase to 2.0 degree C or less ***by the end of the century?***" That last clause usually is left off. The answer was related to a rate, not an absolute temperature limit. The temperature was/is going to keep rising once the end of the century is reached -- for hundreds if not thousands of years. This 24 minute talk by Tom at our first Bio4Climate conference in 2014 is eye-opening: Thomas Goreau: The Down-to-Earth Solution to Global Warming- How Soil Carbon Sequestration Works - YouTube - ; slides here:
It was always ludicrous. Who came up with this “target?” And then everyone bought into it, no matter the growing evidence that it was way off, e.g. the 3-fold increase in the polar regions, permafrost melt, increasing natural methane releases, all at 1.1 degrees. Why are we not able to readjust our assumptions in the face of an increasingly stark reality?