2399. Plausible and necessary scenario to cope with climate catastrophe.
Scenario for climate action NOW.
Middle level managers in organizations all over the world talk to their leaders about the devastating urgency to act on climate. The result is that six leaders, from UN, a major oil company, a major pharmaceutical, a parliament, a military leader, Harvard, agree to act in unison and ask to ask other organizations to join. Public opinion swings rapidly, virally, to support this initiative.
Cut fossil fuels, compensate people who lose out, organize for food production at local levels with centralized support and agree to support any other effort that supports the goal of getting us back to 1 degree above the old normal. Fishing, forests, schools, health and habitat. As General Motors mobilizes 66major plants to shift from cars to tanks and planes in 90 days, so this group will establish commissions around the world to mobilize system wide under coordinated efforts. Two of the commissions will be set up to independently inform the world of initiative, needs and progress.
Naive I know but hey, gotta start somewhere beyond current efforts…