While the damage to our climate accrued over many years, our sense of its impact has remained peripheral. We are neither stopping our use of fossil fuels nor are we planning for catastrophe. The problem of atmospheric heating appears clear in peoples’ minds, but their thinking about what to do is undeveloped. Stopping economic activity is not something anyone wants to urge, especially those with an important role in government or business. This is a major aspect of the current situation.
Today’s COP 26 sessions were angrier at lack of progress and no new statements about what to actually do. Will this escalate to some emergent leadership, violence or just pathos?
Hello Doug; hopefully it will lead to emergent leadership which uses incentives and structured regulations to support the companies with disruptive technologies who support self-use and other aspects of putting the means of production of energy in people's hands, freeing them from most or all of the economic rent charged by utilities, so that those companies can prove their tech and grow explosively without equity dilution (breaking the 'he who has the gold rules' rule), ending the reign of the fossil fuel companies and their managements. If this is done effectively, these companies will be able to grow explosively, adapting mature production technologies to support it.