2470. What is likely to happen.
What is likely to happen
Drift and cascading failures
Rising temperatures and climate turbulence
Declining food sources - soil and oceans
Supply chain breakdowns as workers don’t show
Assets hard to value, threatening the banks and the money system.
Failure of government to act, In part because there is no plausible plan to act on.
Social reaction: people staying home from jobs to avoid threat of Covid and care for children at home. Suicide rate and killing of children "so they don't have to live through this with no solution in sight". People not trusting the workplace to be healthy knowing that top management is looking at ways to contain costs more than protect workers.
The key problem, looking at the global and species level, is that we must do more than just stop greenhouses gasses because, with what is already present, temperatures will continue to rise and eventually no niche survives where life is possible, The idea that if we do nothing a new equilibrium. with some life possible, will emerge is unlikley.