2474. Objective or positive? Glass empty or twenty percent full?
In many conversations the participants come up to a strategic choice about climate. Do we stay objective, or positive? My working assumption is that reality motivates while false optimism lessens the sense that something utterly different needs to emerge. But the collapse of morale in the face of being fully objective is also real. Perhaps its cultural , the habits of thought of the population - stoicism vs consumerism.
Culture - our one big god is not helping. Perhaps if we saw a bustle of gods. the gods of peace, arts, war, truth, family, humor, childhood buzzing around asking for our attention, we would do better. Now we are allowing our attention to be drawn by the gods of private property, isolating individualism, Internet, gizmos and gadgets, fast food and Teslas.
When John the Baptist was walking around the Middle East he is quoted as saying repeatedly “metanoeite, metanoeite” which gets translated as “wake up.” But the Greek has a deeper meaning that requires reflection. The Greek means “behind mind” . that is, pay attention to your assumptions that determine your thinking.