2477. Agriculture or gardens?
I just came from an agriculture and cliae meeting.
Most preeners used “net-zero” rather tan “zero.”But the trade is always “we can continue to emit because they will sequester, or some form of tradeoff such as “we will plant forests to create negative emissions pathways”. But of course that land is often incapable of growing tees or already part of a an expansion of agricultural output, (which is also a problem.
Most of the presenters also talked about the opportunities to grow to feed the world with no engagement with the obvious contradiction of co2and methaen are to be reduced to zero while increasing profits. Of course food production without co2 emissions is impossible. So how to manage the contradictions in goals? Half the speakers talked about the increased profitability and growth os the”industry” through unspecified best practices and imagined technologies.
I noticed that the photographs that went with the presentations all had beautiful fields - but no people in them, as tho people are the enemy of food. My view is that we should mix food and habitat in the same place, as in Italian hill towns.
This book cover shows the problem : democracy with one person? This make agricultural work unappealing, isolated, boring.
compare to this scene by Bruegel