2531. Climate change or social collapse?
“Climate change” leaves out too many crucial human efforts that best happen at the same time. Soil. oceans, education, health…but what to name this ensemble of interwoven issues? The reality is that it is not just our environment that is in difficulty but our society and its organization including the way we feed and house each other. The problems are not out there in the environment like a bad day in the sun at the beach, but here in our daily activities which keep the economy going. So let’s call it what it is, economic and social - ecosocial - collapse. Probably better, social collapse. If we don’t cut fossil fuels use we will collapse under the pressures of a turbulent climate and distraught populations. If we do cut fossil fuel use we will collapse because so much industry depends on it and jobs will stop. This is where we are. “Climate change” hides, has become a fig leaf, numbs us.
It is really social collapse of which economics is an important part.