2535. Toward world government?
Plausible futures. We face global problems without global management/leadership. We need a \ scope that fits the problems. The tendency in the world is in the long run toward larger and larger geopolitical units. Necessary with larger populations but not achieve-able? Our problems have gone global but our institutions have not (this seems to be the way history works) The history of empires and nation states are part of the process of, we could say engorgement. as states swallow surrounding peoples.*
What if some middle or upper level managment come to this conclusion and call each other up, within and across organizations, and say, “We have to take on the world with a technical, governmental, economic and cultural realignment. They get together and talk with their own senior managment and with collagues in other organizations, government, corporate, non-profit, media. This would be seen as both necessary and painful but maybe the only path that prevents cascading failures along a path of inadequate proposals in conjunction with rising temperatures and related failures: ocean, soil, , and avoiding war. Or are we at checkmate with lots of pieces still on the board?
Such an imposed government would shift us away from nationalism to a globalism that makes everyone a citizen of the same place - the earth.
I think such a move is highly unlikely, which pushes us back to cascading failures. But if it’s our last nest hope for needed scale, let’s push it. In your organizations, …
*see Wright, Robert Non-Zero, for a rif on the inevitability of size winning. He might be wrong because at the moment size is not winning, but coherence is, and there might be size limits on coherence, not based on the math but on human nature.