I spent some time yesterday, watching a video about an interesting institution, Dumptique on Marta’s Vineyard. It’s a shop where people can drop off things they want to get rid of. A volunteer staff sorts them and people of all kinds come to look through the piles and take for free whatever they want. This creates an atmosphere of giving and receiving that people find uplifting as use value is recognized and cash value drops to zero
As collapse around climate change takes hold, there will be high amounts of unused and unwanted stuff amid new poverty and need. Circulating these things creates a sense of a different culture, and a different way of being. With the collapse of say energy, many things will become valueless or can be brought into new uses. while much of what had been in use now lies idle with no takers. Cars become nice places to sit. Refrigerators become small libraries. big houses become small houses and piles of firewood. Everyone recalibrates.