There are two obvious pathts: science, the raw facts of climate failure, and happy face, keep optimism alive. Both are OK, and let’s hope they can coexist.
Applying what we know, two meetings in NY this coming week,
For discussion (written quickly) .
So here they are: (the comments are mine)
We can learn by critiquing their program and approach.
From their online pages
"Solutions House answers only." Does that mean no discussion of causes? Corporations, capitalism, and above all growth? All new business activity increases co2 and likely methane)/Most of the speakers have corporate jobs , The approach seems to be that, as we have seen elsewhere, financial incentives for profit should drive the reaction to climate change. Above all avoid constraining businesses, and keep the financial sector limited to raising funds for incentives,
"Solutions economy". Not solutions by governance, despite ww2 being led by government.
"we just made changing the world easier: The 1.5C business playbook exponential climate action
(does this mean excluding from the conversation solutions that are non economic? And worse, the 1,5 is discredited, given the destruction of 1.1 and 1.2)
The other meeting this coming week is
Links to its sponsoring organization The Next Summit which has " illustrating the critical path forward to building a sustainable future." I thought the sustainability word had faded because it is so unspecific. What is sustainable for a wine grower is not what is sustainable for a bank. It also implies a conservative approach with stability not change in the desired future.
What do you make of "Collaboration and unity are at the heart of evolution. " Is there a political message hidden in this?
One charitable way of looking at these is that since it is likely there is no solution, no path that gets us off the up escalator for temperature, we should be tolerant of those that are trying to hold on.
The less charitable view is that holding on actually prevents looking for more transformational paths.
ts starts at the diagnosis level.
Is the situation bad but we can cope? (and get a job)
Or bad and we cannot cope and have to turn to adaptation?(might be unemployed except in crisis management .)
I am holding out for innovation within adaptation. Or worse, stoic acceptance.