Modest notes while thinking….
I came across
“Yes, there is a desire by consumers to transition to cleaner forms of energy. But it is only going to happen if those cleaner forms of energy come at the same price or less and at the same level of reliability or more,” said Tudor, who now leads Artemis Energy Partners, an investment firm specializing in early stage energy transition projects. “My bias is that it is going to be a very, very long, slow transition.”
But that “if” means replacing the current regime with another that is equally intense in total energy use energy, this is impossible.
Temperatures will rise with current CO2; levels. The current CO2 level is still rising despite thirty years of warnings. Increase. The idea that we can build and buy our way out fails simple logic. The result is increasing megadeaths which have already started.
New tech is very unlikely because the scale of a required buildout would be a huge jolt upward in manufacturing the required machinery as well as increased mining and grid.
Back to thinking… You might be surprised as I am by the source of the quote, Young Republicans. There might be some surprising rethinking possible about who is with whom.
The current rise in CO2 comes from a growth economy supported by the financial and technical communities whereas the "conservatives” are mostly rural, farmers, hunters, and fishermen. closer to the land and nature. We have seen the Democratic Party shift from being a party of the workers to the party of the professionals. It gets messy. Prolife supports the biological whereas pro-abortion supports technology. Treat this as a minimalist reframing, but it is part of the analysis of who is going to do what with climate change. The tech folks want innovation investment and deployment, all of which increases CO2. Imagine if the right, under election pressures needing a platform, came out as strong advocates of deep economic changes in order to get the leverage to actually control C)2 production? I put this forward as part of trying to expand our imaginations about ways forward.
If I wasn't writing, I would never have gotten this far.