Lex Fridnan interviews Betul Kacar. on details of life's origins Another piece of the world being so interesting, marvelous. - the beauty of how chemistry came to make one celled life. Highly enticing while thee earth is falling apart but we can use some of our time to find out more about this universe and place we have nee born into/ Fridman's podcasts are an awesome education.
Betül Kaçar: Origin of Life, Ancient DNA, Panspermia, and Aliens | Lex Fridman Podcast #350
William Saroyan an Arminian California writer, wrote "Every man knows his true destiny - but he likes his detours because they take time." .
The research is toward smaller ad smaller. So far so good but, maybe we are not paying attention to bigger things, treating them like more examples of the smaller things we already understand.(the astronomers, cosmologists working on the bigger toward the biggest might be doing as well.
But. my sense is that where the smaller meets the larger (direct or through intermediaries) lies the deepest understanding. Imagine cell and space each as complicated, thriving on each other (space has to be something else we could not put things there.)
Ok, so we humans, part of the intermediary world, have not figured out how 8 billion of us or maybe a few thousand, can think our way out of the box we have built ourselves into, having now in semi failure, come to face society and species destroying climate change and a disgruntled population whose lives have been reduced to trivia.
We need to understand how the bigger and the smaller work together so we can leverage our own existence into a better world.