The context we are living with is an emerging consensus that we will not cut co2. New energy projects are adding energy use, not curtailing it. I have proposed three scenarios centered on climate.
We just drift
We embrace Gardenworld (localization)
WE embrace high tech (world)
In the practical world all three will be active. The best would be to use tech, including AI,chatbots, big data, algorithms, merged platforms and the new Vision Pro, to manage across Gardenworld projects. We will add some tech projects such as geo thermal and a small number of nuclear plants. Garden world is needed because people need to be fed and sheltered. Also, with an energy crunch, industrial agriculture is likely to fail. Gardenworld adds to the task of feeding and shelter the aesthetics that shelter and gardens can take, making the project of adaptation to temperature as attractive as possible. Think of the 19th century Arts and Crafts movement, cut short by WW1. Many parts of the grid are likely to fail so local efforts at maintaining some form of Internet will be important, but not as profit extractors but rather as projects in the commons.
It is unlikely to work but it is the best plan to work toward. The do nothing but drift crowd will argue that trying anything now is likely to be disruptive, not constructive. What we hope is that with the high tech coordinating and Gardenworld meeting human needs on the ground would allow for fresh imagination and emergent projects that do the best with emergent possibilities.