We are looking at bureaucracies to find leverage points for dealing with climate change. However, most bureaucracies are formed within well-defined boundaries confined within the state and defined by laws, or within corporations, defined by charter and other laws of the state.
I think we are in a terminal state. The UN's Secretary General, Gutteres, is making very strong claims about the depth of the crisis and the need for very urgent actions. Death looms like the Moloch of old. A hugh presence emerging over the horizon. And we are paralyzed.
United Nations Secretary-General
His is just one of many urgent requests: but note - that they are not directed at anyone as a specific request and and do not urge any specific actions.
Nobody knows what any specific person should do, Let’s say you are the president of a medium-sized manufacturing company. Cut fossil fuel use? This would require cutting production which would un-employ actual people. Moreover, the cuts would affect customers who are dependent on the product and cutting the product would mean cascading effects downstream for customers who have been integrating that product into their own products sold to yet more downstream customers.
The conclusion is that bureaucracies are not easy to mobile for specific fossil fuel reductions. The closed boundary to the outside makes such communication difficult.
As Gorbachev found out, bureaucracies destroy and kill.