In dealing with climate we need to understand the attitudes of the population. Trump is, for many, a bigger-than-life giant who can get back at those responsible for an out-of-kilter society. Those who will vote for Trump have no choice, their understanding than to vote for his screw them attitude. People like us tend to confuse what Trump actually is, assuming he represents the thoughts of his supporters. Trump’s views (sic!) are an overlay that poorly fits the underlying complexities of the monopolizing corporate and media world, but for his voters he is the best fit we have.
People are generally distracted by many issues and can’t focus. We do not have what the founding fathers hoped for: a conversation-based Republic.
Here is a rough guess at the system most people(including many anti-trumpets) think and understand and vote from. More or less:
Climate is a threat
Banks have money
Tech is huge and can cope
The economy is in bad shape with inflation
A good economy is possible if we get back jobs and energy
College and home out of reach
Kids can’t afford to leave home.
We need to defend ourselves against China
Europe won’t help.
Health is a bureaucratic mess.
Bureaucracies provide jobs for those who got college degrees.
We need leadership that stops giving the country to the elite and works for America.
Politics is useless
Any wonder climate is not the focus? Must I say these are not mine but an attempt to understand \others.
"We do not have what the founding fathers hoped for: a conversation-based Republic."