Continuing with exploring narratives that might help us……
The problems of capitalism emerged from the division of the land from community ownership (too strong a word. Its really from caretaker) to individual plots. The entire world is covered with a grid of ownership where ownership refers to past events that somehow gave titles to some in the community but not all. The division of the community into private property (the next post will be about this ) leads to less time in relationships and more time by ourselves with a few family members. The individual household became. the place for consumerism.
This division weakens any sense of community and weakens the possibility of dealing with major changes such as the CO2 blanket that is heating the planet.
This division is not necessary. A well-known discussion concerns "the commons". Garret Hardin wrote about the commons in a book dealing with nuclear war and how the community voice can have an impact. But he leaned on the conventional view about. land. The commons, he said, was ruined by farmers grazing too many cattle on community land. What he missed (clarified by Elinor Ostrom's Governing the Commons and E.P. Thompson's Customs In Common ) was that the farming culture knew how to manage the command and it was wealthy landowners. nearby to the commons that did things like breed rabbits on the commons land to get wealth from pelts ). "Commonwealth” derives from the idea of community well-being and is reflected in the community wealth implied by Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. Having overrun the land the big landowners got Parliament and the courts to divide the land and, forcing the farmers off the land, creating a huge unemployed vagabond population. The Dawn of Everything contains many examples of where the community was able to hold on to community ownership, but those communities had to fight off outside groups seeking conquest and the community culture usually lost out.
I think this narrative turns the light on what happened and why community action isndo hard.
frew and the many distribution tax tech. jpohn mzynard keyes grandchildren the how to organize how to do it
is there an alternative?
property marriage proper gift
“ while rank
and differential access to cattle became relevant when people were
arranging marriages, they had almost no bearing in any other
circumstances. It would have been impossible, even at a formal event like a”
Excerpt From
The Dawn of Everything
David Graeber
This material may be protected by copyright.“