This is in the direction for a society that can cope with climate,
In an interview
Mazzucato addresses wealth sharing:
"To understand how to transform wealth distribution fundamentally, we must first examine where value comes from [see comment below after the indented paragraphs]. If it is created through collective efforts, the rewards should be shared among all actors involved.
There are various ways to do this. One is directly, whether through a public-wealth fund (financed by the returns from government-funded activities) or through equity stakes in companies benefiting from public investments. [well, the condition {"companies benefiting"} is unnecessary--that’s in principle every company]. The returns can be distributed through a “citizen’s dividend,” which rewards collective-value creators with a share of the wealth they created.
Another option is to use place-based collective ownership structures. For example, in the United Kingdom and Sweden, the returns on collective value have been used to build vibrant and healthy common urban spaces [but this doesn’t get at personal wealth]. Such a system could easily be implemented in the US."
The link in the first para goes to her book:
The Value of Everything