Let’s say we are given the task of managing the world system. We must cope with those who think the needed cuts can be replaced by “clean energy” without adding up the cost of making clean energy - usually now electricity - which requires a complex infrastructure made with digging, pumping, materials prep, manufacturing, and distribution. Plus administrating costs of the bureaucracy, from recruitment to retirement and security costs.
Let's start with food: world agreement on food would have to think through who it is taken from, to whom it is given, and the logistics of, moving it from one place to another.I notice assume that was a little extra cash they could buy what they use now ( I am trying to write with extreme logic and short prose.)
Meanwhile, at Cop29 the conversation is divided between
What’s the problem? (70%)
How we can get the money to climate projects. (30%)
These support, corporations and financial institutions. What is missing is common sense about what the money could be spent on since spent money means financing activity which always takes energy. )
There are efforts struggling for a new consensus: using chemicals for geoengineering, basically putting stuff in the air to prevent sunlight from hitting the earth. Cutting sunlight means less agriculture and geoengineering means shifting to an engineered environment, probably owned by the oil companies.