The first thing an architect does is understand the land he has to build on.* Society has not taken the measure of the globe we have built civilization on. Being myopic we built for strength, not for flexibility and redundancy. Flexibility would lead to a different civilization. Redundancy would lead to flexibility.
I am trying to understand why we do not have an engineering-minded society. How people can say 1.5degrees without understanding that increased energy in the atmosphere means increased variability- hotter hots, colder colds. Or why people can say build EVs for everyone or new grids or new energy systems without following out the logic of scale, costs, and material shortages?
Moving to the social stem, we seem to assume that people will, as temperatures and water rise, continue to go to work. It would take very few people leaving their jobs to take care of their families to turn the whole system inoperable.
I continue to believe that Gardenworld, mixing shelter and food in the same setting, is the best chance we have for the discovery of new ways of surviving with grace.
*Actually, the first thing the architect probably does is check the solvency of the client and is hobbled by a focus on dollars per sq, foot
Yes, but both, not deparate. Ecoogy brungs the goal, purpose meaning, but engineering brigs the stste discipie
Because there was no education on what Kautilya called 'Anvikshki'- the science of thinking/knowing/logic