Lifeboats and Gardenworlds
All indications are that climate change is upon us. I have proposed, and many others are doing similar projects, that Gardenworlds are a good response, bringing together food and shelter in the same place where conversation and creativity are possible.
When times are getting harder for Gardenworlds it’s time for existing projects to transition rapidly towards becoming lifeboats for as much of the population as possible. When times are getting better it’s time for lifeboats to return to reconfigure themselves as Gardenworlds. Both are steps toward a better future. Both require lots of work and will be surrounded by devastating conditions. Both Gardenworlds and lifeboats are believable images of what people can work toward.
*Gardenworld is the bringing together, food production and shelter in the same space, where conversation and creativity, family and friends are possible. Lifeboats are bringing together the resources to survive for a day, for a week, for a month.*
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Thanks, Douglass. BB