These are my casal thinking, incomplete, full of holes, but still plausible. , What it comes down to, if we are to cope with an increasingly severe set of conditions - floods, fires, and politics (strife and struggle and conflict) the surviving option is plant growth. The hope for tech is doomed because of the increasing lack of materials, costs,s unreachable scales, and problems of ownership. Plant everything everywhere as much as we can, given that increasingly many places are becoming too hot to grow anything. As the world tatters itself, places are left where growing is possible. Growing, if extensive, sequesters CO2 in ways no existing technology can. Growing has the advantage of not requiring the stoping of the existing economy, but additions, whereas tech solutions are replacements with winners and losers. Major worldwide growing plants will affect the economy but not as immediately as tech solutions which require stopping some activity for replacement. Evolution is possible. Growing also meets the major need for food directly whee whereas tech requires income distribution as well.
The main problems of a plant-based worldwide project are land ownership, tools, and seeds. Also how much land can actually be grown on, given fires and water problems - (drought and flood) based. I think in the world taken as a whole, more thinking is going into local garden-like projects than tech. They are less elitest, less abstract, more immediate, and everyone can participate.