We need to think about how to make what we work for as attractive as possible consistent with achievability. Gardenworld is not an end state. It may become a place from which to rethink modernity and technology, democracy and hierarchy, thinking we cannot do so long as the present has a tight grip on our imagination. We have possibilities. Most recent future talk is about the need for change since just drifting looks like a disaster. But change will also have costs and so people will resist change. We are looking for a different way of being in the world if we are to make it livable. We humans need to humanize the world and this means a new relation to nature, not moving further away from it. Gardenworld Politics is a strategic guiding vision for integrated responses to issues of turbulence -- global warming, inequality, and governance, to make for an attractive society. Remember that we are, at the core, primates seeking survival strategies. But there is a new opening here. Recent studies of early human evolution replaces an old story that was filled with constraints with a new story about human creativity that was largely choked off as elites got control of resources and then acted to protect that control. The Dawn of Everything has crated a new sense of openness,but it is not enough to get us through the rough times now,* This now is not just temperatures but deep social unrest.
*Graeber and Wengrow,
Schmachtenberger https://civilizationemerging.com/media/