How to think about inevitable collapse, given the unrecoverability from key tipping points.
I have taken myself to the edge where it’s necessary to discuss the size of the population and the death of many people. I find this very difficult. In the background is the idea that death for many, perhaps more than half is inevitable as climate temperature rises. Either nature or policy maybe the cause.88
How to cope with this? I have found myself reading books and watching videos on archaeology. The fact is that many older civilizations did die . All of the people. the main causes seem to have been climate, war between classes with different interests and disease. The key point for us is that these deaths happened societies were abandoned, and Watch thought went into planning migrations and the evacuation of whole cities. We do not know the history very well, but it is this history which contains an attitude of resignation that we can learn from. Ancient civilizations, such as the Mayan, the Syrian the Egyptian , and American were huge and sophisticated. It’s people are our brothers and sisters in inevitable collapse.
But perhaps more importantly populations went through a slow process of decay and a disintegration which included the collapse of governing institutions. In philosophy, there is a tradition which says that the key issue is to learn how to die. Understand individual is not helpful enough and understanding the threats to our own civilization, threats that are now coming due, and the daily news reflects the cracks and cancers many people today are having to live with and think about how societies grow and crumble.