Humanity, say the wise ones needed a second nature to live on earth because our given nature did not include sufficient routines to survive - we needed to invent them or copy some of the animals,\ but our curiosity and inventiveness could not be constrained by, what we borrowed.
the result-
I just flew from San Francisco to Malaysia and had a window seat on the contemporary world. What I used to say as agriculture growing food from humanity now appears more distressed, and given over to industrial agriculture.
Humanity unfortunately destroys what it touches.
It destroys the land when a new building is built.
It destroys the land where the material is found to build the building.
It destroys the land where energy is dug or pumped to do the construction
it destroys the land. Crisscrossed by roads deliver the material and the energy and the employees and the customers.
It destroys the land where the trash from building the building is thrown.
destroys the land w/iyj war ? Silicon Valley. Middle East, and Ukraine)
No other animal species does this.
Why should humanity be driven and forced to live in conditions contrived or abandoned by the most ambitious?
Cannot we favor land going fallow, then once renewed the true husbandman can re-use? Did that not work for eons, once, long ago. BB in VA