It’s striking how leaders avoid climate as if it is still over the horizon, not yet in sight. Truss’s speech yesterday makes no mention, Nail Ferguson in an interview makes no mention except when he lists crises, he includes climate with zero elaboration,
I don’t think it is denial, rather that they have no idea what to say, . If what thy think is “Climate is an existential threat to all life on earth and I have no idea what to do about it”, then they are just not going ton say anything, It is hard when the unknown path to a known future is so obscure. I was in a zoom yesterday with a large number of activists. The issue cam up of how to get from tactics to strategy. For the most part they were looking at public events that would be disruptive society with illegal actions and get people’s attention. But there was very little idea of what to do “after the people have been woken up”.: What should the the people do? No idea,
It seems that political leaders, scientists, media people , and normal going about their lives as citizen-consumers are all stuck in this same place, What should we who are trying to be reflective do other than reading the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire or Toynbees analysis of civilizational challenge and response (or lack of a response)?