And CBS News an article about Tim Cook of Apple.
“In Brown County, Texas – flat, dry, near the geographical center of the state – Apple has invested in a joint venture to power 100,000 homes with clean energy. This four-mile-long stretch of solar panels – nearly a million of them – will look to some like a bold step towards a clean-energy future, and to others like marketing disguised as social conscience, what cynics would call "virtue signaling."
"I don't do virtue signaling, at all," said Apple CEO Tim Cook. "I don't believe in it. We want to do hard work."
What Cook means by hard work is making sure environmental choices make business “sense: "I want to see that it pencils out, because I want other people to copy it. And I know they're not going to copy a decision that's not a good economic decision."
1 million solar panels. How were the mined, manufactured, transported, and installed? One of the supporting grid? The environmental projects should make economic and business sense seems like a recipe for extractions and not society.