There is no game B to follow on an engulfed game A. Droughts, fires, and floods target most of the land.
I Just returned from Malaysia, a society that seems on the surface and depth rather normal, which to me means indifference to fact . Middle class towns around the world seem remarkably similar, as do slums at one end and gated communities at the other end of the economic spectrum. But indifference characterizes them all. It seems we are living a common fate created over a couple of hundred years of industrial society and the increasing population. We went to schools with the intent of finding jobs in that economy, But society and its dependency on economy is so much bigger than we are that we are totally helpless. Are there any interstices, any remaining niches where lives remains possible?
My belief is that the only way to release our imagination is by a slap in the face and in the heart with the facts. But those who finally scurry in the face of the materialized truth may fair no better than those who for several years have been struggling with the dematerialized mere anticipations of those facts.
…. now back to our regular programming.
And the other problem is that those with imagination, who have come up with viable solutions, are being crushed, censored and suppressed by the system.