In the previous post 3097, it is obvious that we are getting increasing sophistication around physical systems, but there is no increase in understanding the social systems: politics, economics, culture, religions, social health such as education across generations, and healthy living, the role of the arts and powerfully little understanding of relationships and the threats to them through new tech. The trend is toward isolating the economy from society supporting the survivability of those active in the economy and marginalizing everyone else. There is some discussion of the "social contract” but such discussion does not reach actual suggestions of what and how.
We let capitalism off the hook.
Let’s take a big issue. We blame WW2 on Hitler, not on capitalism. WW1 and 2 were commercial wars, but the big bad Hitler, empowered by capital, prevents conversation about capital and private property. This suggests how far we need to go - and probably won’t. People like us need to work to deepen our historical and understanding.