I started blogging on Blogger, and then on Wordpress. The first blog is lost in time but started during the war in Iraq, or maybe in the build up to it when there were worldwide marches of 1 million protesters and those millions had no impact on policy. Blair and Bush or immovable and I didn’t start my numbering for at least a few months but this number 3000. It was obvious to me (amazing how long it can take us to become conscious.) that way does not live in a democracy, nor even with a lliving hierarchy. Our political structure was frozen in sadness. I started writing the blog and making notes for a book that I was calling the 80% solution interviews I did in the early 80s. Convinced me that there was an agenda around family community, education, and health that most of the population was for, but it was not offered as an alternative people could vote for. Other books were being written with the idea of percentage. And I shifted to the idea of Gardenworld as my understanding deepened.
There are times when I feel sad about the low level of response when I’m writing the best I can but a number of friendships along the way and my own increasing clarity make it worthwhile. I have come to understand that there are many of us who feel that they have their finger on the pulse of the historical moment but cannot affect that pulse. that’s how many of us are left out of the political discussion is a major symptom of the failure of contemporary democracy and disenfranchised from participation in governance.