Major report
The long-standing analysis of why people don't take climate change (and related issues) seriously. Denial - after Freud - has been the default - and lazy. We are not used to dealing with difficult strategic issues. We can handle the market, but not history.. But this needs to be rethought based on better thinking and especially better reading of what people actually do. We have not been empirically, observationally, accurate, or even methodical about what people think.
I am fairly certain the lack of attention is based on two arguments.
things are bad and may get better, so continue with your life and hope that the technical- scientific- innovation community will solve this soon. Meanwhile, there is nothing I can do.
Society and the ecology will crash, but we don't know, when and we have no plan. The best thing to do is enjoy life as much as we can meanwhile. Trying to change now will be a premature disrupter. of an OK situation.
These arguments, unlike denial, are structural and emotional and complex. Giving people credit for complex thinking would relieve them from feeling incorrectly judged.
This perspective is language based and supports my view that poeticised evocative language is a path worth exploring, and good for those who dare to write a few lines