The purpose of an economy should be to make living in the world comfortable for all the people, The society and the economy in a certain sense belong to everybody. The following is a detail but would be a major shift in economic culture. Why treat salaries as positive but wages as costs? Leads to destructive goals for management . The output of an economic process should enhance for evrryone in society (the society should belong to all) basic needs and extend quality of life. But instead we hire managers to increase profit - fair - but to decrease money paid to employees.
Imagine a corporate spreadsheet:
Left-side output: product, profit, salaries
Right-side costs: real estate, materials, utilities, interest
Managing the distribution would be a new task for management, but no harder than the tasks they have now. The outcome would be a much fairer and more interesting society, and all employees would have a reason to participate because they are driving up their own wages. also, it seems obvious, that employees would be much more interested in participating in coping with climate change, both locally and globally.
If anyone knows of a history of balance sheets that deals with this issue (treating wages as costs rather than benefits society), I would appreciate a reference.