Assuming huge problems, none of which can be ignored, some thoughts:
Gardenworld assumes catastrophic events coming and already bere such as wet bulb death and huge nigrations. In any scenario, people will struggle for food and shelter. These are the core foundation stones for extending efforts towards Gardenworlds.
I keep thinking about the value of the Corporate form and problem solving if profit was replaced with the reward of appreciation and good will, and income much more equally distributed, perhaps, only by a factor of four (see Mondragon).
An ideal part of a corporate hierarchy - and corporations do practice a fairly good version of this - is that if there is a problem at any level the local people are expected to respond without calling outside the local part of the hierarchy. But if the problem is bigger to call up the hierarchy- to get resources of time, money, talent or relationships, say with suppliers.but no further than necessary- but as far as necessary.
Applied to society this would mean homelessness and violence would be treated as urgent problems to be solved now, first immediate measures and then, if severe enough, integrated into long term planning at each involved level.
Part of my interest is in recognizing that the progressive voice has a little to say about leadership and hierarchy, and that both are probably necessary for dealing with climate change, and any other problem that is an exponential threat to society. In a way, we are all homeless now.!