The Internet is becoming more important than the nation state for governance allowing for transition.
# eoo8
I have been putting forth the idea that we are transitioning from an industrial to a digital culture and that this shift is deep, impactful and cultural. It also makes feasible a transition at th level of governance, imstititions and values. Many young people are more concerned with internet connectivity than with the quality of the space they live in.
The increasing pace and awe from climate news of what is happening results in a shift in the weight of the internet in society leading people to turn more frequently and with fuller attention to the internet for the most relevant timely picture of what is happening communally and globally. Meanwhile the nation state organization of the world is gets less attention. The result will be that th internet is replacing the nation state with its bureaucratic and parliamentary systems as the source of policy and implementations.
At its best this can be transit to Gardenworlds where food and people are grown together in attractive places. At the worst a struggle with violence for who gets what.
This ís an opportunity to support the idea of transition, since we are in one anyway. Events will hand us an opportunity that we lack the leverage to create from scratch.
Doug, I'm inclined to advocate for withdrawing from digital culture. Digital culture will always be hampered by the inability to determine who can be trusted. This has always been an imperfect human skill, but has been key to human survival. Many of of us who are here now must have gained some evolutionary advantage. The ability to determine who to trust is being compromised by digital life. Digital existence lacks the smells, the context, the micro movements and other factors that stimulate our suspicions and teach us how to hone and then trust our intuition. In addition, rather than just trying to figure out if I can trust my own family, my coworkers, my neighbors, we are thrust into a "community" of many thousands if not millions working to gain our trust with good and ill intent. Many people living in the digital world prefer the perfect flowers of their video games to the imperfections (and hard work) that go along with the rewards of the true garden. The path to Gardenworld requires unplugging.