Here is a problem. There is lots of money in the bill that will be spread around into many projects. All these projects will create new economic activity (from mining, drlling, new factories, revamped household, new agriculture. New economic activity requires energy. The only was we can bring the energy to the projects is through burning more fossil fuel. But more fossil fuel means more CO2. Is there a rapid path to more wind-solar-hydro electricity in time to prevent the bill’s approach from creating more CO2. and maintain the suicidal rate of heating?
The desire of most of us, including politicians, policy makers and activists, has been to increase the fruits of the economy to a broader range of people, But doing so uses that energy.
It looks like either we can move very rapidly to an all electric system with all electricity produced by non fossil fuels (“clean gas” is a fossil fuel with half the CO2 from coal), or we drift into the oven we created to meet our own desires.
The idea of an all electric system for all energy is really appealing. Is there any chance - any - that we could do it? I am not sure we can’t so its worth some effort. It would empower AI and big data approaches to governance. Can w with intelligence overcome small minded greed and violence?
It would leave unanswered issues such as sequestering the too effective blanket of co2 we already have in place. It fails to deal wit soil and ocean and rising se levels, and in the current regime, all economic activity tends to move money from most of us to the already rich.
*Prevention is I think the official title of Senate Bill 3495 but morphed into reduction.