Can we do better thinking, better enough to cope with climate change?
Here is a view of the problem. Individuals think they see the world but mostly they see 10 feet in front of them to the wall in the room they are in, or maybe a mile when they are outside. But they construe the whole world existing so there is a solidity to the world they see.
Each person is as it were extending a pseudopodia into the seen and to the unseen environments beyond. The problem is that the collective pseudopodia do not add up to a holistic view of the earth and its environment, and the thinking that probably must be done to cope with climate change has to range beyond the surface of the Earth to the universe itself, and his true nature.
The views that people do have align with their interests, and each person holds onto their interest and its alignment, creating a kind of glue that holds the whole society together, and that society is neither seen nor contemplated.
The result is that the real environment cannot be acted on with actions and plans that are understood and meet the need of the whole. We remain limited by local pseudopodia of consciousness that do not encompass the hole, the hole that we probably need to respond to as a unified species on a single object earth. Our fragmentations defeat us, especially because we hold onto them, acting in opposition to each other as each plan makes the other plans worse. Is thinking better possible?