As he goes down in the polls he just might declare
“The Biden presidency is so bad that we, the good voters, need to get rid of him now before he further destroys your country. The country can't wait for the election, which I would win in a landslide, so let’s declare it now. I reinstate my Presidency and call for all my supporters to take over all statehouses. You will need to fight for this making me your president, There is no more positive and necessary god blessed action in the history of our nation. I will go to Washington and resume my legal presidency.”
Comments please.
Nah. There's far too many Dems American citizens want to see in jail, which involves either keeping to the Constitution or restoring it.
DJT, a sad creature. I'd pity him but that'd be energy squandered. The Dems? They'll continue their wars. With VA a bluer state, I've the privilege of voting--as ever--for a third party. But with the national erection still 3 months away, 'tis too early to decide.