The myth is that the human world choses its form of government for the well being of the species(all people) and that capitalism was a sort of agreement on how to spread the foundations of wellbeing. Of course this myth is failing. The fact that the US is way down the national lists of good education, good health, good public safety, lack of corruption is now seen for what it is and the myth is losing its allure to the alternative: elites have always emerged through the opportunistic control of at first modest and then powerful technologies and rule-based societies.
How do we proceed (as we enter into cascading failures and increasing entropy?)
In the background
China pushed by US into relationship with Russia and probably India creating awkward - losing - geopolitical realities.
Economic activity called progressive is still harvesting profit and pushing it up the pyramid.
The tendency we all have toward compassion cannot emerge because the institutions can't get us there.
Current weather is terrible for way too many.
Theory issue: do human societies require elites? If so how are they chosen, educated and rewarded. Could prestige replace money as reward?