If we take Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Nero, Trump \the reason they gain power (speculation) is because they are big and boundary breaking and in the larger space opened people are drawn to think “what is happening here?” and the result is their mind (psychic energy) is drawn in to the vortex of the strong man’s opening space in which his chaotic mythic thought is more exciting than normal political personalities can command. People become hypnotized, fearful, excited and complicit, feeling that they share fate and identify in this space opened by such a person.
We have made a thought-containing set of assumptions that have limited our ability to explore our way into what they are about. Every attribution of stupid, ignorant, pathetic, or childish prevents our getting to the core of something we deeply need to understand.
In the current case - and I am not clear how this works - the need to protect ourselves from realizing how limited we are being, we also fail to think about the Democrats - and how their shift from being the party of workers to the party of professionals, leaving much of the population unrepresented, created the conditions for the mess we are in.