People daily seize on opportunities that mostly complexify* the net of people, things and institutions we live among, increasing connections , weaving everything with everything , until we strangle ourselves. Even if benign and making all our decisions fitting our wellbeing. No voting needed no market needed, no news. All algorithmic
This weaving us into immobility - no agency - appears to be inevitable. At any moment in history that weaving opportunistically toward complexity is what is happening, Since we can't stay in our moment and stop choices but only reproduce what has already happened but our own choices lead to tightening constrains.
When we are in the middle of this process we see ourselves living in a story about human becoming, but in the later stages - like increasing now - we are forced to live without stories. This makes agency impossible.
Could imagination break us out of this "inevitability" which turns out to be an illusion? It would require lots of self reflection so we can ourselves break out of the end of story story . One obstacle is that the larger planform corporations. want to extend the platform, own the whole net of everything connected , to use algorithms to manage the world economy/society with. big data and extract the remaining wealth.
see books by Joseph Tainter The Collapse of Complex Societies
Manuel Castells , Aftermath and Disruption