Much talk about capitalism (for example, see Umar Haque in Medium). But there is a lot of confusion. If we look at contemporary society it now (and avoid he complicated history from the rating of cattle in the early Mediterranean Empires) capital is simply the production that is not immediately consumed. It is the profit, surplus, from the functions of society. The problem is elites (plutocrats, kleptocrats). worked to control that surplus for themselves, and they overdo it till the inequities in society break that society apart. Why should the output of a society be owned by part of that society and not all, or perhaps a committee that acts as a board for the good of all.
The elites needed workers, agricultural and industrial, till now. Automation, coming on fast, is breaking apart that logic and the elites will own the automation and marginalize the rest. Robots work 24/7 and don’t pay taxes.
But… do we need these vast societies? These nations? What is their purpose (in practice, not in theory)? To safeguard a global system of production that is 1) unsustainable and 2) benefits the few at the expense of the many and the world? What need would gardenworld have of that?