AI is a stochastic machine of near infinite capacity, but at the core it is the simple extension of analysis from many chunks to very many chunks (what I think of as Legos of thought. One result is that we are rethinking what human thinking is, much closer to stochastic assemblages than we had thought. The result is we can see that humans are approaching the point where human intelligence has lowered itself to the intelligence of computers. 1
Ibn Khaldun wrote "The mind without the heart cannot affirm anything. “ It can propose indiscriminately leading to terrible actions based on stochastic assemblages. AI is so simple, it must have been anticipated by folks like Norbert Weiner. The logic of the accumulation of correlations is obvious. The bottleneck might have been the near-infinite scale made possible by modern computing.
Your post inspires me to recall, at once, the enigmatic quote from Robert Oppenheimer in response to the ethical and social frailties of pursuing atomic fission during the time of World War II:
"When you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it and you argue about what to do about it only after you have had your technical success."
Even while we were applying the fruits of the technically sweet adaptive artificial intelligence advances at George Washington University to a failing power supply system on the Hubble telescope, we were all acutely aware of the possibilities for creating an adaptive and seemingly sentient 'being' of limitless scale which could be faced with the decision for taking a road to benevolence or a road to malevolence with little, or no, regard for technical sweetness or antecedent arguments.
My greatest personal concern at the moment in this AI (AAI/Generative) world is the increase in the ethical and social frailty of our global society during this informational world war.
this is one of the more generative thoughts in your entire output so far (and the output of these LLMs is a kind of “Musak” of thinking -- simplified, toned-down, no sharp edges or rough surfaces ....)