Hi Douglass --- It occurs to me that starting #3 now, _before_ the hurricane lands, might be the best path forward. Do you have a plan for starting Gardenworld now?

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Douglas Carmichael, I received your 'Plausible Scenarios' through Lloyd Helferty's distribution. Are you familiar with all humanity's 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') worldwide long-time (100s of 1000s of years of 3rd path integrating Food & Habitat?

BIGGER PICTURE 3-dimensional POLYCULTURE ORCHARDS versus artificial labour-intensive 2-D AGRICULTURE What the world is missing since Babylonian Semite, Assyrian, Greek, Roman then European 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') colonization & introduction of 2-dimensional 'agriculture' (L 'ager' = 'field') is the deep sustainable polyculture-orchard-food-production-efficiencies of its original Slavic 'indigenous' (L 'self-generating') peoples. Petr Kropotkin touches on these indigenous efficiencies in his opus major 'Mutual-Aid', with the notation about how the indigenous peoples that he lived with in Siberia, were working one hour per day in order to meet their livelihood needs & most of these can be classified as refugees from their original homes & biospheres invaded by the inefficient colonists. Through Polyculture Orchards, with such as Oak, Butternut & all levels of tree seeds, fruit, bushes, vines, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms etc all mixed & 'self-generating' (meaning of 'indigenous')Humanity can achieve food security, environmental abundance, wildlife habitat & modify climate to warmer in winter & cooler in summer, stable flowing rivers, streams, lakes etc.

Here are three films we produced on Polyculture techniques. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/design/1-how-to-grow-your-own-raw-vegan-food-garden

POLYCULTURE ORCHARDS Studies of the worldwide indigenous 3-D Polyculture Orchard 'Sylvalizations' going back beyond the 7000 year threshold of 'civilizations'. First Nations cultivated Polyculture Orchards were massive harvesters at 92 - 98% photosynthesis of solar energy converted into food, materials, energy & water-cycle. Its considered now that; polyculture (agro-forestry, forest-gardens etc) is 100 times (10,000%) more productive than 2-D 'agriculture' (Latin 'ager' = 'field'). Considering the importance of food production as the foundation for all human economy, its absolutely important that; farmers, agri-business corporations, universities, government policies & all aligned food systems begin to align with & benefit from the abundance of the tree-based biosphere yet their industry programmed disbelief leaves them incapable of even looking at the data. If Europeans 'immigrate' instead of continuing to 'invade', we can still learn how to live abundantly in all regards through the auspices of First Nations & remaining 'indigenous' peoples worldwide. We have quite a clean-up not only of the environment but of our colonized minds & economy. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies

SYLVALIZATION CALCULATIONS Agriculture only photosynthesizes 2 - 8% of solar energy reflecting over 90% back into the troposphere where it pushes winds from the continent to the sea. At the Sahara/Sahel Latitudes of less than 30 degrees north, the sun is so hot it burns 2-D agriculture. Tree roots descend 10s of metres as deep as the canopy into the earth's substrate where they mine minerals, pump water & develop nutrient extensive colonies. Continental cold spots created through complete photosynthesis cause warm moist ocean winds to be drawn inland (warm to cold) where 60% of moisture transfer is through condensation of warm moisture laden wind onto trillions of square kilometres of fractal leaf & bark surfaces. Only 40% of water is transferred as rain/snow. 'Agriculture' 2-8% photosynthesis reflects 95% of solar energy, which pushes winds from the continent towards the sea causing permanent desert. Sahara, Gobi, Atacama etc. deserts are all created by human agriculture including exploitation of animals such as domesticated goats, sheep, cattle, pigs etc. Indigenous peoples worldwide did not exploit domestic animals but lived in collaboration with these other tree & biosphere tending specialists. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/design/1-polyculture-orchards

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Well I like all of this. I know some parts, not others. I have become familiar with Greek and Roman food systems, and the monastic contribution. Graeber makes seasonal shifts and the political shifts that go along with them, a major part of early foods. I like the idea that capitalism comes from latin, cap, head, and was used and still is as the new head of cattle. Hence, production of which current "capitalism" is a mere twea, so strong are the continuities

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Jack, I loved the films.

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Douglas Carmichael, Its a pleasure to hear from you & your reference to David Graeber, the Dawn of Everything. I'll have to read some of his work. Anthropologists have made a huge professional mistake in typifying indigenous peoples for the lives they lead after colonial genocide & aggression have made them refugees from their own homes & livelihoods. Interpretation of 'capital' with 'cap' as 'head' draws more on humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' Production-Society-Guild heritage. Guilds organized time-based equivalency accounting & progressive investment & ownership over the course of each person's career, which enabled participants to contribute, experience, develop expertise & collectively own with decision-making acumen.

'Domestic' work in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) was consider the core of the 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture'). Industry & Commerce can be considered as economic subsets. Women joined in Production-Society-Guilds & with tendencies to take more responsibility in collective domestic work gave women an equal-voice in these 'Economic-Democracies'.

Early invaders were so out of touch with their own indigenous heritage, that; when the witnessed women as decisional, they believed these societies to be matriarchies. Hence 'capital' is best understood more as Collective-wisdom rather than 'property' as it means today under our perverted oligarch captured systems.


Indigenous people worldwide didn't tend to domestic animals except for dogs more as partners. The rise of herding follows 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') invasion, genocide & economic destabilization.

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The more detailed science outlining each contributing factor of Orchard-Food-Production-Efficiencies, will respond to your basic questions about Plausible Scenarios on Food & Habitat. A local colleague Dag Radicevic, with 50 acres he bought 38 years ago in St-Lazare west of Montreal island, has had landscape contractors, bring 400,000 tonnes of fall leaves, branch chips, grass-clippings & barn cleanings to his property Kadafar over these decades. Among the fall-leaves are many Oak-tree acorns & a variety of Walnut we call the Butternut. The Squirrels, Groundhogs & Bluejay birds planted 90,000 nut trees, some of which now are 2 person wrap-around trees. All these trees are very well spaced & sited in good health. On average each of the 90,000 trees are producing about 1/2 tonne of nuts per year totalling some 45,000 tonnes of nuts per year productivity. This example shows that people working with wildlife can replant the 3-Dimensional Polyculture Orchard with massive productivity which is 100 times (10,000% more) the productivity of 2-D 'agriculture' (L 'ager' = 'field'). When Dag arrived at the land 40 years ago (38 years ago owned) as an engineer, the whole 50 acres barely had a centimetre of soil because of 400 years of colonial 'farming' (French 'ferme' = 'contract of servitude by the peasant to the aristocrat.

As a tangible size, each 50 square metres of land (about 7 x 7 metres) occupied by an ~150 year old, elderly nut tree will produce about 3 tonnes of nuts per year while the same area growing grains such as barley, oats, wheat or rye will only produce about 3 kilograms in agriculture. Agriculture takes clearing, ploughing, watering, seeding, weeding & back-breaking harvest, while Polyculture simply drops the nuts on ground-sheets for carrying back to a community drying site. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies

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the 3-d idea is easy to communicate. The restorative regenerative gardening is terrific. My focus is on the culture and governance that hinders rather than furthers such efforts. I am somewhat savvy about the underlying value of gardening, from Stone age Economics by Mashal Sahlins to Graeber/Wengro Dawn of Everything.

I also am convinced that gardens can be aesthetic and recreational and that awareness will draw more people to the ideas.

Do you have ideas about the Arts and Crafts movement 1879-1910?

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